Introducing: Core Skills Class

The Core Skills Class (CSC) is a new concept for maelstrøm. It is designed for students who want real results fast. Who want to build better mechanics, increase their fluency with techniques, and improve their fitness and conditioning. Each class of the CSC will offer value – to new and advanced students – by focusing on critical skills and abilities that will make you a better fighter each and every day you attend.

The CSC operates across all the martial disciplines taught at maelstrøm Martial Arts. From Filipino knife and stick, to empty hand panantukan, to grappling, kicking, conditioning, reflexes, and self-defense. All weapons are covered. Everything that helps to build your attributes – to ready you for a street incident, sparring on Sundays, or your next training class in one of our core martial arts.

What will you gain?

  • Swinging a stick with more power
  • How to strike and avoid strikes
  • Fundamental submissions and locks
  • Self defense tactics and reflexes
  • Physical conditioning
  • Street-ready combatives
  • Confidence, focus and drive

This class is at the main maelstrøm Broadway Street location. Come check it out!

Core Skills Class

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