Guro Shawn Zirger Seminar – March 5, 2023

A 1-day Filipino Martial Arts seminar on Kalis Ilustrisimo given by guro Shawn Zirger (Wandering Dog) of Zirger Acadamy of Martial Arts (ZAMA). The seminar will explore the principles and techniques of Kalis Ilustrisimo using Filipino-style machetes. The art is focused on combative principles with blade-based weapons that explore the efficiencies of movements and striking.

The seminar is open to anyone with an interest in Filipino Martial Arts, Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA), and other blade-based martial arts, including those who have an interest in sparring applications. Participants are highly encouraged to bring training blades, sticks and protective gear (fencing mask, gloves, forearm/elbow protection, etc.), although the seminar will also accommodate those with minimal gear.

Cost: $90 for 6 hours

Location: Academie Duello

Date: Sunday Mar 5, 2023

Time: 10am-4pm (short break for lumch)

Contact Jeff Marvin ( for additional details

This is a Monsoon Society/maelstrom Martial Arts production.

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