Have you ever found yourself wondering if you might secretly be a martial artist? And, if you are a martial artist, where you are on the path?
Here is a handy quiz to help you find out:
If you find yourself practising grip switches with everyday household implements: 1 point.
If you back fist elevator buttons instead of just pushing them: 2 points.
If you have ever missed and wound up on the wrong floor: minus 1 point.
If you have ever decided not to buy pants because they wouldn’t be good for high kicking: 2 points.
If you bought them anyway: 3 points
Because its ok to have non-martial pants: 4 points
But you high kicked in them accidentally: 5 points
And they tore on the first kick: 6 points
If you secretly practice knife drills with a spoon while setting the table: 2 points
If you find your closest friends tend to beat you up on a regular basis: 4 points
If you find yourself closing the refrigerator door with a side kick: 1 point.
If you have ever dented the fridge door in this manner: 3 points. Minus the damage deposit.
If you have ever saluted your boss or co-worker by accident: 2 points.
If you realized your error and tried to cover your mistake by pretending you had a headache: minus 1 point.
If they did not believe you: minus 2 points and most of your reputation.
If you have ever accidentally clocked yourself on the way to hitting someone else. 1 point.
If you were then assigned push ups as a punishment. 1 point.
If you have ever tried to ‘tap out’ of a tedious meeting: 1 point.
If you have ever weighed the cost of food versus the cost of padded sparring equipment: 1 point.
If you bought the equipment anyway, because its possible to go three weeks without food: 2 points.
If you bought the food instead, because food makes you strong enough not to need padded sparring equipment: 3 points.
0-10 Beginner
10-20 Intermediate
20-30 Advanced
30-45 Master