Update and Photos From Nepal

As many of you know on April 25, 2015, an earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale hit Nepal – the largest earthquake in the area in over 80 years.



Guro Brett is currently in Nepal, volunteering with Global Medic, a registered charity whose mission is to provide emergency relief to people all over the world affected by natural disasters and other emergencies. They aim to empower the people in the global communities they serve by providing equipment and training for emergency medical care, rescues and water purification.



Some photographs of citizens of Biribisi, a town close to the Chinese border that was badly damaged in the earthquakes. They were waiting on debris to be cleared from the road so their bus could get moving again.
While recovery has begun, there are many places where the resources simply aren’t there. Relief efforts continue, and will for a long time. Please consider a donation.



(Reproduced under fair-use and with credit)

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