Pencak Silat Gadjah Putih Seminar – Update

Only 10 days left before the early bird price for the Pencak Silat Gedjah Putih Seminar expires!! If you plan to attend the seminar, now would be the time to sign up. Click here to see details of the seminar.

Below is an updated list of cost. For those who cannot participate both days, here are some options:

Early Bird (for 2 days): $120 (till Oct. 22)
Two-day Seminar: $150
One-day Seminar: $80
Pernafasan Session: $40 (Nov. 11, 4:00pm-6:00pm)

Payment can be made through PayPal or by cash at Maelstrom.

If you have questions regarding the seminar, please email us (

Reproduced under fair-use and with credit

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