Take Down Tips From Pentjak Silat [Black Belt]

Below is an excerpt from Black Belt Magazine on take downs in Pentjak Silat.

“Silat practitioners typically identify three selling points on takedowns:
1) They take away an attacker’s mobility and ability to fight effectively.
2) They permit you to use a falling assailant as a shield or barrier against other attackers.
3) They give you extra time to counterattack, fend off other attackers or run…

Another reason silat’s methodology works is it requires little strength. The first two steps break your opponent’s balance, which allows your takedown to be based on angles and leverage rather than power. Furthermore, the art’s throws don’t launch the assailant into the air. They dump him nearby so you can cling to him like a spider ensnaring prey in its web. The closer he is, the easier it is to pummel him, break his joints or lock him up until the police arrive.”

For the full article, check the link below:

(Reproduced under fair-use and with credit)

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